Semester 2 Finals Schedule

SHS Semester 2 Finals Schedule
Posted on 12/20/2024

Scottsbluff High Schools finals will take place Tuesday, May 20, Wednesday, May 21 and Thursday, May 22.  Please make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations after the finals.

After the finals period starts, we will not be able to call students out of class.

"Semester comprehensive examinations will be given in all classes at the end of each semester during a specified testing schedule.  These examinations are required for all students and students are required to be in attendance for all their tests through the semester check out. Students who are tardy for a final exam will not be allowed to enter the class and will be required to make up their final exam during the designated make-up time.  Students leaving prior to final examinations must be excused by SHS administration. Students will be required to provide written rationale for the absence, and will be required to arrange times with all teachers for early final testing.  Students who are unable to attend finals due to illness or due to injury must provide a doctor’s note with specific directions detailing the inability to complete the final examination at the predetermined time. Students unable to complete finals due to medical purposes will be required to make up the final examination in the first week of the second semester. Students requiring makeup finals during the second semester will make arrangements with administration and the teacher to determine a reasonable time for the makeup. Only students providing medical documentation will be allowed to make up a final examination. (Pages 10-11 of SHS Handbook)