Below is Scottsbluff High Schools Dance Policy found in the 2024-2025 SHS Handbook on page 17.
A school-sponsored dance is a school activity subject to all provisions of the Student Activity Code, and is a privilege available to
students meeting all requirements for participation.
General Rules of Student Conduct at Dances.
In addition to all rules of student conduct in the Student Handbook, students attending dances shall adhere to the following rules of
1. Who Can Attend: Only students of Scottsbluff Public Schools and their guests may attend.
• No students below the 9th grade or individuals 21 years of age or older are allowed to attend SHS dances.
• Personal identification will be required to enter all dances.
• Student conduct and behavior must be appropriate for the school environment.
• Once students enter the dance, they will not be allowed to return once they have left the dance.
• Only students, who are in good standing deemed by the administration, will be allowed to participate and attend school dances. Good standing is defined as...
- less than five unexcused absences by parent or school in any one class, including CATS for the semester at the time of ticket purchase
- No more than one failing grade for the semester at the time of ticket purchase
- No more than three behavior referrals for the school year at the time of ticket purchase
This expectation applies to Homecoming, Winter Royalty, and Prom.
• SHS students are required to pre-register their dates if they are not currently an SHS student; failure to pre-register will result in no admittance. Pre-registration of dates is accomplished by completing a guest form (available in the SHS Office) and submitting it to the SHS Office no later than 3:30 PM on the Wednesday prior to the dance. Dates/guests who are former SHS students must have had an acceptable school record and are subject to approval by building administration.
• Prom is limited to juniors and seniors. Freshmen and sophomores may only attend if brought as a date by a junior or senior. Freshman and sophomore students must be present with their dates at both the time of purchasing their entrance ticket and
entering the dance in order to be admitted into the dance.
• Prom is a formal event and requires formal attire for the entirety of the dance. Students violating dress expectations will not be allowed to enter the dance or be required to leave the dance.
2. Prohibited Substances: Alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, and tobacco (including electronic nicotine delivery systems) are prohibited. Anyone using these or showing the effects of use will not be allowed admission or, if discovered after admission, be removed from the dance. Their parents may be contacted.
• Students and their dates may be required to submit to a breathalyzer prior to gaining entrance. Those who choose not to submit to a breathalyzer will not gain entrance. Law enforcement will be contacted if there is reasonable suspicion that the student, or a student’s date, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.