Scottsbluff High School Prom
Prom is Saturday, April 5 at the Weborg 21 Centre from 8:30 pm-11:30 pm. Ticket sales will be Monday, March 31-Friday, April 4 during upperclassmen lunch and after school. Tickets are $10.00 per person. The prom theme is "Enchanted Evening."
The Scottsbluff High School Handbook states the following information: “Only students, who are in good standing deemed by the administration, will be allowed to participate and attend school dances. Good standing is defined as...less than five unexcused absences by parent or school in any one class, including CATS for the semester at the time of ticket purchase; no more than one failing grade for the semester at the time of ticket purchase; no more than three behavior referrals for the school year at the time of ticket purchase.”
Students taking college classes, you must be scanning the QR code at the WNCC class location to ensure accurate attendance. If you notice a discrepancy in college class attendance, please see Mrs. Ferguson in the Counseling Office as soon as possible. Students not meeting this criteria will not be allowed to attend prom.
Just like preparations are made for prom night such as finding the right formal wear, dinner reservations, photographs, etc., preparations also need to be made for academic work, attendance, and behavior, so students have the opportunity to attend prom, if they choose. Attendance matters and now is the time for students to be in class, including CATS. Grades matter and now is the time for students to work diligently to maintain passing grades. Behavior matters and now is the time for students to be respectful, responsible, and safe while attending Scottsbluff High School.
SHS students are required to pre-register their dates if they are not currently an SHS student; failure to pre-register will result in no admittance. All out of town dates must complete the Prom Dance Form prior to the dance through the SHS front office starting Thursday, March 27th and return by Thursday, April 3rd no later than 3:30 pm.
Prom is limited to juniors and seniors. Freshmen and sophomores may only attend if brought as a date by a junior or senior. Freshman and sophomore students must be present with their dates at both the time of purchasing their entrance ticket and entering the dance in order to be admitted into the dance. School ID's will be required for admittance.
Prom is a formal event and requires formal attire for the entirety of the dance.